Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The metal rabbit

I have a feeling that im not going to like year 2011 very much. strangely, I've stopped enjoying Chinese new year somewhere ever since the past few years. it wasn't torture, but it's like i couldn't wait for the whole thing to end. and i wouldn't know the reasons either, if someone were to ask me why.

maybe it's because i know it's not going to be all rainbows like the promise of every new year. i guess it's what most people do. painting pretty pictures at the beginning of every year, each one more beautiful than the previous.
i may be wrong.
so what if there's going to be plenty? you can't do much with rainbows, can you?

~He gave me that night back and this time, I told you the truth. We talked and held each other till the sun came up. And as I went to hell, the devil asked me if it was worth it. I said yes. Yes it was. ~

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