I've been procrastinating.. but here they are.. it's nearly a century old. okay, so some month's old pics aren't exactly ancient but compared to mine.. most people prolly load their pics the morning after. so my cousin has been complaining. yea.. mmkay.. i get it.
speaking of my edgy cousin yang cantek, this is her..
this is denise. freshly (or not so fresh) squeezed from new zealand. high-protein, full- cream.
and this is krys. xD
at itallianies @ the gardens.
bored.. so we decided to 'cam-whore'. like I've said.. i don't cam. whore. so am afraid there isn't much whoring in most of the pics.
"whoring"(cam) ..
attempt to "whore" (cam) fail. . they say, if at first you don't succeed.. try.. try again.. lol!
could you tell if she was pretending to look elsewhere while taking pic or was she really looking out the window? a skilled 'cam-whorer'..... i can't remember actually. -.-'' lame ques. ya, i know rite. -___-
still waiting..
So this is my dear younger sis. oh how we love exchanging gifts and birthday prezzies cos i only see her during her hols each year. lurve spending time with her. she's just amazing
Finally ^^ ( imo, this is the only dish that taste good in Itallianies. funny how some restaurants just turn mediocre once they get a bit famous. they used to taste much better back then.)
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